Giving back is good business. That’s evident with the hundreds of bowling centers throughout the U.S. that host BVL fundraisers and special community events to support BVL and the many bowlers, staff, family members and friends who have served this nation.
Please complete our Promotional Materials Form for bowling centers to gain access or to order these materials.
Purchase a NEW version of Johnny’s signature ball with the BVL logo – available now. Raffle off the bowling ball during the month of November or during a special event.
Receive a FREE customizable promotional flier, rules and logo for the Johnny P. Bowl for Veterans Tournament, a simple new in-league, pins over average tournament.
Small change makes a BIG difference. Sync users may download this artwork to support your “Round Up for BVL” fundraising efforts. Use these images year round or in November during BVL Month in America.
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Contact BVL consultant Fred Kaplowitz for more information about how BVL can help your bowling center.

Customizable Flyers
Download a broad range of flyers for your bowling center’s event — adjust the text blocks to make them your own, print and you’re ready to go! Complete the form below, and once submitted, we’ll provide you with a link to a page where you can download the fliers.
We are grateful for all the support to BVL.