Rather than have the Events page have a drop down on the main nav — just list all events here with links to more info. If there are more than one going at the same time, we could make a “featured event” with special formatting at the very top.
Veterans Day is observed each November as a time to honor our military veterans. This November, BVL is celebrating 80 years supporting veterans! We are asking all associations, centers and industry partners to do something extra this year. November is BVL Month in America, an initiative that brings awareness to the work that BVL (Bowlers to Veterans Link) does to support veterans and active-duty military by funding recreation and therapy services throughout the United States.
BVL Month in America is a kickoff to the annual BVL fundraising events for many bowling associations and bowling centers. You can also download FREE materials for successful traffic driver promotions and fundraising programs such as the BVL Bowl for Veterans Tournament, Patriotic Pins (soldier cutout pins), Pass the Envelope for BVL, I Stand at Attention placards, Johnny Petraglia BVL Bowling Ball and Round-Up for Veterans.
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